Conference Introduction
Taipei Model United Nations is an annual model UN conference held by the Youth Association of International Conferences of National Chengchi University. It is an academic-based conference that combines international relations, negotiation, and diplomacy. Since 2005, TMUN has served as a platform for university students to discuss the most pressing issues that the world is facing. This year, TMUN2018 also opens up to a limited number of high schoolers, hoping to bring the best experience to more people.
For more information, please visit our fanpage on Facebook and official website at
Registration Introduction
Every delegate is required to fill out the Delegate Registration Form of TMUN 2018. Delegates who would like to be part of a double delegation must find their own partners in advance and fill in information regarding their partners in the registration form.
Early Bird Registration (Jan 19,2018- Feb 20, 2018)
Registration fee for Early Bird Registration will be 2,500NTD. This includes 6 sessions, 2 panels and 2 social events. Early Bird Registrations are only open to collegiate delegates for a limited time and quota, whichever approaches first. Once reached, we will automatically enter regular registration.
Regular Registration
Collegiate Delegate Registration
Registration fee for collegiate delegates will be 2,800NTD. This includes 6 sessions, 2 panels and 2 social events.
High School Delegate Registration
Registration fee for high school delegates will be 2,500NTD. This includes 6 sessions, 2 panels and 1 social event.
Committee Introduction
Security Council
Committee Size: 15 delegations
Topic A: The Situation in Central African Republic
Topic B: Protection of Children in Armed Conflicts
Research difficulty: ★★★★☆
Debate fierceness: ★★★★★
Brief introduction:
Security council is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. It exists to maintain peace and security and determine acts of aggression. The Security Council is made of 15 member states including 5 permanent members that enjoy veto power and 10 member states that are elected. Each member state in the council has one vote and all UN member states are obligated to comply with the decisions of the council according to the UN charter.
General Assembly First Committee: Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
Committee Size: 55-80 delegations
Topic A: Combating the Threat of Non-state Actors
Topic B: Proliferation of Illicit Trade of Weapons
Research difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Debate fierceness: ★★★☆☆
Brief introduction:
The General Assembly is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and the only one where all 193 Member States are equally represented. DISEC is the General Assembly First Committee. It exists to deal with issues that threatens the peace of the international community and all those that concern disarmament and international security within the scope of the UN Charter.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Open to High Schoolers)
Committee Size: 40-50 delegations
Topic A: Development of Elderly-Inclusive Societies
Topic B: Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers
Research difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Debate fierceness: ★★☆☆☆
Brief introduction:
UNESCAP, established in 1947, is situated in Bankgok, Thailand. It is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). UNESCAP has 53 Member States and 9 Associated Members with four subregional offices. It makes policy recommendations to Member States in areas of social and economic development, and aims to provide assistance to and share knowledge with Member States in the fulfillment of the recommendations.
Press Corps
Committee size: 6 delegates
Brief introduction:
The press team plays the role of reporters during the conference. Reporters possess the power to influence the direction and flow of committees through the articles they write. During the conference, each day each delegate of the press team will be responsible of writing articles which will be published in TMUN Daily or creating social media posts on the official taipeimodelun Instagram account. The newspaper will be printed and distributed to all delegates.
Aside from appearing during the conference, delegates are expected to show up to pre-conference training sessions regarding journalism and the basic knowledge of Model UN and topics of the other committees. Training dates will be announced by the director of the Press team after committee distributions are announced. Each reporter will be assigned to a committee which will be determined during the pre-conference trainings.
The host team of Taipei Model United Nations 2018 reserves all rights to make final changes to conference details.